
Friday, March 29, 2013

When life asks us to slow down


Sometimes in life we are asked to slow down but we often ignore the signs.
A week ago I came down with the flu which caused me to stop everything I was "supposed" to do and rest patiently waiting to get better.  A few days go by and I felt so bitter, nothing seemed to make me happy.  I was so upset for having to stay put while I could be doing so many things! In mid tantrum I asked my higher self WHY?  I knew I needed to quiet my mind to hear my soul's whisper.  As it turned out the flu was the best thing that could have happened to me for I was going in one million directions, feeling overextended and selfless.  It is important to recognize when your load has become too large to handle.  We are so used to piling up our brain with work, to-do lists, ideas, plans, agendas, etc.. when do we stop to do a self clean?        This fortune cookie reminds us all that we are supposed to learn something from the difficult times and take it from there with grace.  Bitter is a dark place you find yourself before you turn on the lights.   May the flu season be well behind us and lets enjoy life, new season and love one another.
Ribas with love


Unknown said...

Well put! thank you for encouraging some much needed reflection. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you Roxanne!!