The other day a good friend of mine asked me; why do you blog? do you think people care? I know it sounded a bit "rude" but I didn't take it that way. It was a true curiosity of his part since he has known me for years and only recently I started blogging and launched my facebook web page "Ribaswithlove". After the horrifying explosions at the Boston Marathon for which I along with family and friends were spectators in the Metrowest area I decided to share with you the very reason why I blog! It is during times like these that ~ the picture becomes clear ~ when you know exactly what matters and what doesn't. On my very first blog post called "Introduction" I used a beautiful quote from Mother Teresa (I will remind you) "You can do no great things only small things with great love". This quote answer all questions but I will take you a little further into what this means to me. I believe the world needs one thing and one thing only. ~ LOVE ~ Love is the absolute key to save us all from days like yesterday. If you practice the love that GOD has given us you will be the caring neighbor, the cheerful mother, the giving human, the supporting wife, the friendly driver, the devoting member of our community of our people and our country. Because LOVE includes all good! I can't save the world but I CAN HELP BY DOING MY PART! Even if my part is sharing good thoughts, sharing love, sharing laughs and ideas and helping people feel better because it starts inside of us. We can't give what we don't have. If you don't have love and respect for yourself, if you are not taking care of yourself and living a balanced life. You can't give love and respect either. Start by accepting who you are and loving yourself just the way you are!! When you are comfortable and ready start showing love for the people around you and as you practice more and more expand your bubble :) I am still learning a lot about being a loving person, by that I mean giving love without expecting anything in return. Because unfortunately we do set expectations to our relationships that a lot of times aren't met therefore our disappointments and so on.. But how about just giving love ~ if anything it makes you feel good right? Although the events that took place in our community yesterday were horrifying the LOVE that our community has shown is tremendously touching. Through support, through prayers, it all translates into LOVE.
May GOD continue to look after the victims of the 2013 Boston Marathon explosions. And let there be healing for the souls of those who caused such tragedy. We all come and go from and to the same place. We aren't all loved. Love changes people. Love melts all bad and evil.
I am proud to be part of you.
Ribas with love ~